FARZANEH JOORABCHI | “Discover the sounds of our body”

Seminar 8-9 August

In the past, thanks to parties, dances and music, people did not feel the pains and worries: “So says Bahram, Shaman and Baluci Music Master (Iran).

Proposal for a seminar, concert:

Discovering the sound of our body, for a balance between the mind and the body: the body is like a musical instrument and must therefore be tuned to bring out more sound and vibrations, the voice is the mirror of the soul, the song (music ) is a way to achieve maintaining or recovering health, mastering respiration and posture and unity mind and body and the possibility of insertion into daily life.

Singing was part of our rituals: we must all sing, singing was healing in Ancient Persia;

Thousand-year-old tradition of music throughout the Persian area with its inseparable link with real life, which does not make up music with its only aesthetic parameters rather than musical aesthetics, born from the relationship with the psyche and curative potential.

Healing with music, playing, singing and dancing listening: an interactive relationship between the public (the sick) and musicians (healers) in a single stage to aggregate all energies and transform it into a single state of being, ecstasy (power over the body).

Here the music becomes a great power on your body, and it heals us.