
– Linguistic maturity at the “F.Angeloni” Institute in Terni;
– Conservatory diploma (old system) in flute at the conservatory “G.Briccialdi” of Terni;
– Higher education diploma for artists at the “Officina Pasolini” Academy of Arts in Rome;
(excellent with praise)
– Specialization degree in Music Therapy at the Conservatory “A. Casella” in L’Aquila. (110
and praise)
– Currently graduating in MusicArTerapia in the global language, at the University of
Rome “Tor Vergata”.

internships, seminars, training courses:

– Modern singing masterclass with Petra Magoni at the upper singing academy of Verona, 12/11/2011;
– Masterclass for writing, interpretation and musical production, at “Villa sonora”, Morlupo, Rome, 22-23 / 11/2014;
– Masterclass for authors, composers, songwriters, performers at “CASAMUSICA” (Sangemini, 25-6 / 01/2014);
– Practical workshop “Jam Stage” for authors, composers at “CASAMUSICA” (Sangemini, Terni, 8 and 9/11/2014);
– Participation in the conference “Distant Memories” (Music Therapy and Alzheimer) at the SERMIG of Turin (10/24/2015);
– 1st level in Music Therapy (seminar conducted by Prof. Rolando O. Benenzon, Ascoli Piceno, 11-12 / 06/2015)
– Participation in the “Ascolt … azione” seminar at the Musicoterapia study center in Grosseto (10.10.2015);
– Master “Perinatal Music Therapy” with certificate of competence, obtained from the A.P.L. of Milan, 21/02/2016;
– Training course in “Music therapy in pediatric oncohaematology and TMO hematology adults “(Committee Chianelli of Perugia, 17-18-19 / 03/2017)
– Participation in the seminar “Preventive Music Therapy in the socio-educational field” (Senigallia, 03.11.2017);
– “The room of ideas”, national intensive course on Alzheimer’s dementia (Perugia, 24-25 / 03/2017);
– Workshop “Italian Strangers” songs and music of the Mediterranean (ensemble music course, Terni, 7-8 / 04/2017);
– Training course for teachers, “Game and Music”, Propaedeutics and Musical Didactics. (40 hours of Seminars, Laboratories, DrumCirle and CircleSinging, Orff and Dalcroze method, Acquasparta, July 2017)
– Participation in the “AWARENESS ROUTE with the Listening” (7/8 October 2017) at the music therapy department Grosseto;
-Settimana training in MusicArTerapia in the Globality of Languages ​​at “University of the Family” at the “QuiSiRide” Center, Gallicano nel Lazio, July 2018;
– Participation in the national conference of MusicArTerapia in Global Languages, at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, 5/6/7 October 2018.

 workshops and seminars with final suitability assessment, at the “A.Casella” conservatory (L’Aquila):
– Laboratory of non-verbal languages ​​(Global languages);
– Knowledge and practice of Orff instruments;
– Percussion laboratory;
– Dance therapy workshop; Monothematic seminars:
– Music therapy in pregnancy;
– Music therapy in the school;
– Music therapy and plurihandicap;
– Music therapy and addictions;
– Music therapy and autism;
– Music therapy and coma.

MUSIC AWARDS in national competitions
– Best interpretation award at the “Premio Bianca D’Aponte” with a scholarship of € 500 (Aversa, October 2012)
– First prize “Festival Percoto sings” as best singer-songwriter and scholarship of euro 1000 (Udine, July 2013)
– First prize, unpublished category, at the “Solarolo Festival” (Solarolo, 28/10/2010)
– First prize as songwriter at the “Pedana Libera” Festival, (Rome, 19 June 2015)
– Third songwriter classified at the “InCanto Award” (Rome, 09/20)
– Critics Award at the “Festival of author song Discanto” (Pisa, April 2014)
– Award for best interpreter at the festival of the song “Musica Controcorrente”, (Latin, 2008)
– Special mention at the “Inedito Prize” of Turin as music author (Chieri, 10 May 2014)
– Special mention at the “CET SCUOLA AUTORI DI MOGOL” literary prize as author of texts musicals 2017;
– Finalist of the contest “Superstage 2018” conceived by Mei (Meeting independent labels, Faenza); DISCOGRAPHIC ENGRAVINGS:
– participation in the so-called “Female Anatomy 2.0” with a composition of mine (entitled “Nails”) in quality of author and composer, publisher: FriendsForArt, published and printed March 2014;
– participation in the so-called “Premio Bianca D’Aponte: I’m an island” 2012, with my own composition (titled “Il contrario”) as author and composer, for Hydra Music, published and printed October 2012.
– participation as singer and performer in the cd “Love the real one” (Chiara e Francesco, the musical), for Edizioni Paoline Audiovisivi, published and printed in 2011.
– participation in the compilation dedicated to the career of Enrico Ruggeri with the interpretation of “The real woman” created by MEI (meeting of independents) for the Independent contestMente, Faenza (Ra),