Born in Tokyo, he began studying violin at the age of 3. After his school studies, where he studied with Japanese violinists Yoko Ishibashi, Takumi Komoriya and Masayo Okuda, he enrolled at the Kunitachi University of Music where he graduated under the guidance of

Masahumi Hori. Since 2014 he has been studying at the Perugia Conservatory of Music in the violin class of Maestro Paolo Franceschini and chamber music of Maestro Francesco Pepicelli.

In 2019 he graduated in second level Academic Diploma in violin with maximum marks and honors.

He won the 2nd prize at the “I ° International Competition of Bettona” in the category of chamber music.

He plays in various music festivals, including the Spoleto Festival dei due Mondi. He performs in the various concerts of the Perugia Chamber Orchestra including the concerts of the Umbrian Music Festival and the seasons of Amici della musica. Currently he attends the II level Academic Diploma course in Chamber Music at the Conservatory of Perugia, under the guidance of Maestro Francesco Pepicelli and the conducting course at the International Piano Academy of Imola, under the guidance of Maestro Marco Boni.