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“La gente vuole qualcosa di sacro”

(Jim Morrison nel film the Doors di O. Stone)

Registration Method

All courses:
• The cost of each course is € 370.00 per student, including the cost of registration.
• The composition courses has a cost of € 470.00, of which € 170,00 to be paid upon enrollment and the remainder on the first day of the course. It provides for the live performance of the pieces composed during the weekly course, according to the staff available which will be established and sent after the deadline for registration (30 June). The final concert will be part of the Assisi Suono Sacro Festival, Assisi. The course also provides for free participation in the composition competition within the course.
The compositions written during Stefano Taglietti’s composition course in Assisi Suono Sacro 2023 will be performed and recorded professionally and (with the approval of a commission composed of Stefano Taglietti, Andrea Ceccomori and Fabio Fochesato) officially published (both audio and paper) with the Blue Seal Concept label for the DGMW edition (Italy).
The Strings Crossed masterclass (chamber music) costs €. 250.00 of which €. 50.00 to be paid upon enrollment and the remainder on the first day of the course. It is free for internal students enrolled in the harp (Fiorucci) and / or violin (Franceschini) course.

Activities of the Academy
• All students will have the opportunity to perform on several occasions, in concerts organized in different locations in the city of Assisi.
• The course includes the final concert of the students

Finalization of the registration
• Entries must be received by June 30, 2023.
• Registration is effective, upon payment of the registration fee of € 170.00 (or the different fees for special courses) in conjunction with the sending of the application for registration, accompanied by the payment receipt. The balance will be paid directly to the teacher and must take place at the same time as the first day of the course.
• It is possible to register by downloading and signing the form on the website www.assisisuonosacro.eu/accademia and sending it by email to masterclassassisi@gmail.com, attaching the payment receipt (indicate in the subject of the email: Name of teacher / course and Name of pupil signed up).
• The courses will be activated only and exclusively upon reaching a minimum number of students per teacher.

For info: masterclassassisi@gmail.com
The transfer to access the courses must be made to
Assisi Sacred Sound
c / o Intesa Sanpaolo
IBAN: IT34D0306909606100000193945

Reason for bank transfer: Name of teacher / course and Name of enrolled student.

For Regulations and Registration Form click and download: RegistrationFormSummerCourses2023
If the course is not activated due to insufficient members or due to force majeure on the part of the Association or the teacher, the registration fee will be fully refunded to the students. On the other hand, in the event of an impediment due to the pandemic situation, the shares will not be returned


Hospitality is handled by Hotel Fontebella (via Fontebella, Assisi):

Double/triple classic or garden room €50.00

Including breakfast at the bar (coffee-the or cappuccino and croissant)

Single supplement €. 25.00


1 Meal (lunch or dinner) in Il Frantoio Medieval room: €. 13 per person including 1 course with side dish and water in a carafe
1 Sandwich + chips + ½ water at Street Food Ribelle (in Via San Rufino): €.13 per person



A deposit of € 100.00 per room is required for confirmation, balance in the hotel at the end of the stay.