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“La gente vuole qualcosa di sacro”

(Jim Morrison nel film the Doors di O. Stone)

Registration Method

  • The cost of each course is € 370.00 per student, including tuition costs and a seminar with hourly daily schedule (open to all) with Maestro Ceccomori, Take and be inspired on the training of the musician inspired. €. 220,00 at the inscription, €. 150,00 at the first day of the course
  • The seminars cost € 120.00. The all amount has to be versed at the inscription.
  • Roberta Inglese masterclass costs €. 300,00: €. 100,00 at the inscription, €. 200,00 at the first day of the course. For Maria Chiara Fiorucci students conditions (link)
  • Italian Clarinet Quartet masterclass costs €. 280,00: €. 130,00 at the inscription, €. 150,00 at the first day of the course. For Caldarola students conditions (link)
  • The composition courses cost € 470.00 and involve the live performance of the songs composed on site during the weekly course;  €. 320,00 at the inscription, €. 150,00 at the first day of the course
  • All students have the opportunity to perform in concert in different locations in the city of Assisi
  • The course includes the final concert of the students
  • Possibility of a solo concert with string orchestra (additional cost of € 100)
  • The opportunity to have the live performance of the songs composed during the course with a pre-established arrangement that will be provided after the registration deadline (June 20)
  • The registrations received are sent without delay by June 15, 2020.
  • The registration is selected, upon payment of the registration fee with the submission of the application for registration, related to the payment receipt. The balance must take place on the first day of the course.
  • It is possible to register by downloading and signing the form on the website www.assisisuonosacro.eu/accademia and sending it by email to masterclassassisi@gmail.com, attaching the payment receipt (indicated in the subject of the mail: Teacher name – course and Student name registered) ).
  • The courses will be activated on their own and linked to the achievement of a minimum number of students, different per each course.
  • The all Academy will end with a students concert
  • For info: masterclassassisi@gmail.com and andrea.ceccomori@gmail.com

For the students coming from China, please find our Chinese representer Emma Wang for registration.
Her contact information:

wechat: Gui-Ya-Hui;
tel: +(86) 13761709946, or +39 3664722115,

As there are other costs (consulting, screening, processing, registration, translation, local transportation…) are related, so the costs are different from that from Italy.

The transfer to access the courses must be made in

Assisi Suono Sacro
c / o Banca Prossima
IBAN: IT11U0306967684510749158790

For non-European students, payment must be made through paypal (assisisuonosacro@gmail.com).

Transfer reason: Name of teacher – course and name of enrolled student.

For Regulations and Registration Form click and download:


If the course is not activated due to insufficient enrollment or due to force majeure by the Association or the teacher, the registration fee will be fully refunded to the students.

For non-resident students it is possible to find hospitality at a series of partner hotels:

Group Hotel La Rocca (Hotel La Rocca, Hotel San Rufino, Hotel Il Duomo) and Group Hotel Fontebella (Hotel Fontebella * and Hotel Properzio), with the following costs and methods:

Hotel La Rocca Group:

Full board in a double or multiple room Euro 52.00 per person per day (including drinks with the meal).
Full board in a single room 62.00 per person per day (including drinks with the meal).
Tourist tax € 1.00 or € 1.50 per day for the first 3 days per person over 12 years.
For info and reservations: info@hotelsanrufino.it (for Hotel San Rufino, Hotel La Rocca, Hotel Il Duomo) by placing in the object Reservation ACADEMY ASSISI SOUND SACRED 2020

Hotel Fontebella Group:

Hotel Fontebella:
– Dependance rooms: Full board in a single room € 70 per day
– Rooms in main building:
Full board in double room 65 € per person per day
Full board in triple room 60 € per person per day
Superior room supplement € 15 per person, per day (not applicable to single rooms)
The full board includes 2 courses (proposed by the chef) with water in the carafe.

Hotel Properzio:
Full board in double room 55 € per person per day (drinks not included)
Full board in triple and quadruple room € 50 per person per day (excluding drinks)
The full board includes 2 courses with water in a carafe.

For info and reservations: info@fontebella.com (for Hotel Fontebella and Hotel Properzio) with the object Booking ACADEMY ASSISI SOUND SACRED 2020