The Orchestra Course will take place from 25 to 31 July. Held by professors Paolo Franceschini (strings), Fabio Battistelli (winds) and Fabrizio D’Antonio (percussions) and conducted by Terukatsu Komatsu with the Suonosfera string orchestra, it is aimed at all those, Italians and foreigners, who want to gain experience orchestra: instrumentalists, soloists, conductors.

During the course it is also possible to deepen chamber pieces. All orchestral instruments are allowed, including conducting.

The best students, selected at the discretion of the teachers, will be assigned a piece for soloist and orchestra or string quartet.

During the week a concert program will be studied which will be performed in the Assisi Suono Sacro festival and on other occasions.

The program will be communicated one month before the start of the course.