Opening Concert Misericordia et Pietas

Opening Concert Misericordiae et Pietas

Friday, 22d of July, at 09.00 p.m. at Palazzo Monte Frumentario (San Francesco entry) in Assisi will be held the Assisi Sacred Sound opening concert: Misericordia et Pietas. The Assisi Sacred Sound Ensemble (Andrea Ceccomori flute, Maria Chiara Fiorucci harp, Ermanno Vallini cello) will play musics of some of the composers of Long Island Composers Association of New York, one of the oldest contemporary composers collective in USA: Jay Anthony Gach, Dana Richardson, Georg Cork Maul. Herbert A. Deutsch. For many of the works it will be a premiére.

On the stage will be some musicians of the Assisi Sacred Sound Youth Ensemble: Elisa Mannucci and Francesca Del Bianco (violins), Martina Surace (viola), Kian Soltani (bass) that will interact with some artists from Hidden City Orchestra of Cork Maul, Jeannie Woelker at viola and Fabrizio D’Antonio percussions.

Among the guest will be Matelda Viola, soprano, presenting some pieces recently registered with Mep.