Pianist and teacher, has to his credit concert experiences both as soloist and as part of chamber music groups, particularly with Duo Namaste, along clarinetist G. Arbonelli, performing contemporary composition both in Italy (Rome, E. Morricone, Auditorium of Tor Vergata, Perugia Auditorium Marianum, Poliphonica Festival of Visso, Incontemporanea Festival Nuts, Festival New Musical Spaces, Season Donor Music Carrara, Circolo della Musica in Bologna, Season’s musical Villa Oliva Cassano Magnago), and abroad: Germany (Sparkasse, Auditorium of Furstenfeldbruck); Argentina (Buenos Aires, meeting International Music C. Guastavino, Santa Fe, Rosario Institute Superior of Music and at the Biblioteca Argentina) and USA (New Jersey, Bergen College of Music, Oneonta, College of Music, New York, Symphony Space Broadway; Hartfortd, Millard Auditorium and Ridgewood, Art Academy of Motion). He works as a pianist at the Festival Clarinettistico Italiano at the Conservatory of Adria with M° G. Garbarino, S. Bosi, A. Frajoli, Mirabassi G., G. Arbonelli, G. Falzarano, D. Dolciotti, D. Titti. He played the “premiere” of some musical pieces composed by: N.Nicolosi, F.Festa, G.Bruni, D.Summaria, E.Klein, M.Betta, M.Porro, O. Wood, Marcel L., D. Ghezzo, F. Rosa, R.Piacentini, C.Sebastiani, C.Rebora, S.Cucci. He recording for the label RAI TRADE. His performances was broadcasted to RAI, RADIO CEMAT. He enjoys an active teaching at the Municipal School of Music of Gubbio, Perugia Musical Academy and the Frescobaldi Institute of Music of Perugia. He started his studies with M° L. Bellonci and has graduated with first class honours at the “Conservatorio di Perugia” under the tuition of M° F. Fabiani and G. Petrucci. Held since 2012 master class piano for “International Courses of Musical Interpretation” of Norcia.