Classical-contemporary percussionist and timpanist, jazz drummer and vibraphonist. He graduated in percussion instruments (I and II level), jazz and musical teaching at the Conservatory of Perugia.

He attends courses and masterclasses with: David Friedman, Michael Rosen, David Searcy, Mike Quinn, Gert Mortensen, Maurizio Ben Omar, Andrea Dulbecco, Antonio Caggiano, Antonio Catone and others.

As a drummer and vibraphonist he attended jazz lessons, courses and master classes with Steve Gadd, Peter Erskine, Andrea Dulbecco, David Friedman, Paolo di Sabatino, Daniele Mencarelli, Ramberto Ciammarughi, Giovanni Ceccarelli and others.

In 2011 he won the scholarship as best student of the “InJazz” courses in Fabriano (AN)

He collaborates with some of the main Italian symphony and opera orchestras (RAI, Accademia di S. Cecilia, Opera di Roma, San Carlo di Napoli, Fenice di Venezia, etc.) with whom he tours in Germany, France, Switzerland, Slovenia , Spain, Austria, Turkey, China, United States, Israel, Palestinian Territories.

The main directors he works with are, among others: Riccardo Muti, Giuseppe Sinopoli, Carlo Maria Giulini, Lorin Maazel, Georges Prêtre, Yuri Temirkanov, Mtislav Rostropovic, Antonio Pappano.

Founder and member (until 2007) of the Tetraktis-Percussioni ensemble of Perugia with which he toured in: Germany, United States, Nigeria, Sweden and Turkey and recorded 4 CDs.

Founder, with the harpist Maria Chiara Fiorucci, of the VibraHarpDuo with whom he recorded a CD.

He collaborates with the Hidden City Orchestra of New York founded by the composer George Cork Maul and with whom he has recorded two CDs and participated in concerts in Italy and the USA.

Since 2020 he has held the chair of Percussion Instruments at the D. Cimarosa Conservatory in Avellino.