Si He brilliantly graduated from the Perugia Conservatory. He offers himself to the public indifferently as a soloist or as a member of chamber groups and has performed concerts in some of the most prestigious concert halls in Italy and Europe, as well as in South America, the United States, Canada and North Africa. He has recorded for the Fonit-Cetra Raitrade and has participated in various television and radio broadcasts of the RAI. A profound connoisseur of contemporary music, he has aroused a lot of interest from some of the most authoritative authors of our time, who wanted to dedicate some works. He has performed some first absolute performances of pieces written by important composers of our time including F. De Rossi Re, A. Vettoretti, L. Garosi, M.Porro, A. Gentile, A. Sbordoni, R. Fabbriciani, N. Sani , V. Palumbo, S. Di Vittorio, G. Ephrikian, L. Poletti, G. Seneca, B. Ferneyough, S. Bussotti, G. Battistelli, R. Friedl, A. Guarnieri, C. Crivelli, A. Clementi, P. Cangialosi, F. Festa, S. Taglietti, F. Del Corno, F. Antonioni, R. Vacca, S. Bollani, C. Siliotto, FE Scogna, C. Carrara, M. Dall’Ongaro in some of the most important Contemporary Music Festivals such as King Place in London, Fundacion Andres Segovia Linares Spain, the Linz Festival (Austria), the Munich Biennale (Germany) , the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Villa Massimo, New Consonance and Vertical Music in Rome, Antidogma in Turin, Teatro dell’elfo in Milan, Queen Elizabeth Hall in London, Jana Mallet Theater in Toronto, Guggenheim Museum, United Nations Auditorium in New York and the Venice Biennale. He made his debut in October 1998 at Carnegie Hall in New York.

As a clarinet teacher, he holds courses in musical interpretation. He currently teaches at the “L. Cherubini” Conservatory of Music in Florence; moreover he is regularly invited to participate, as a member, in National and International competition commissions. He is also involved in music and poetry productions and collaborates regularly with the actors: Massimo Wertmuller, Marina Massironi, Dario Vergassola, David Riondino, Amanda Sandrelli, Blas Roca-Rey, Lunetta Savino, Paolo Bessegato, Elio delle Storie Tese, Roberto Fabbriciani, Massimiliano Damerini, Lina Sastri, Paola Pitagora and collaborated with Ivana Monti, Vanessa Gravina, Edoardo Siravo, Pino Micol, Piera degli Esposti, Arnoldo Foà, Massimo Wertmuller, Nando Gazzolo, Alessandro Haber, Paola Minaccioni, Carlo Lucarelli, Paola Gassman, Ugo Pagliai, Lucrezia Lante della Rovere, Stefano Bollani and Toni Esposito. He published his first teaching method “Guide to the study of I ° Lefevre” for the publishing house Progetti Sonori.
He recorded the cd Sensations as a soloist with which Gianni Ephikian won the Los Angeles Music Award and Homage to Alberto Burri commissioned by the Burri Foundation with Ensemble Suono Giallo and Duo + 2 with Sandro and Fabio Gemmiti.