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“Music happens to be an art form that trascends language”

Herbie Hancock


Opening Concert Misericordia et Pietas

Friday, 22d of July, at 09.00 p.m. at Palazzo Monte Frumentario (San Francesco entry) in Assisi will be held the Assisi Sacred Sound opening concert: Misericordia et Pietas.

Assisi Sacred Sound and Ecology

Assisi Sacred Sound will open on the 21st of July speaking about Ecology with a meating “Healthy habitat, sacred habitat: from an ecology of sound to ecosystem”.


Academy 2017

Assisi Suono Sacro is organising summer courses in musical composition, interpretation, as well as a number of seminars in Assisi from the 31st of July to the 6th of August. Thanks to an agreement stipulated with the Musical Conservatory of Cesena, all the courses will carry academic credits.