Perugia, 1989 – Graduated in violin with honors at the Conservatory of Music in Perugia, she perfected her technique with Felice Cusano at the School of Music in Fiesole and then at the Musikhochschule Münster (Germany), where she obtained with full marks a Master in Performance and the Zertifikatsstudienjahr under the guidance of the famous Norwegian concertist Helge Slaatto. Fundamental for her training were the teachings received by Vadim Brodsky, Cristiano Rossi, Seran Lim, Hansheinz Schneeberger, Francesco and Angelo Pepicelli (Trio Metamorphosi), Laura Pietrocini and Marco Fiorentini (Ars Trio di Roma), Ulrich Beetz and Birgit Erichson (Abegg Trio).
Chamber music plays a central role in her artistic activity, which leads her to perform regularly in Italy and abroad for renowned institutions, including, John Cabot University, Associazione Italia Nostra, Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now, Gesellschaft für Neue Musik Münster, Kunststiftung NRW, LWL-Kulturstiftung Westfalen-Lippe, Birdland Jazz Club New York, Kusatsu Festival; she can also boast numerous collaborations as a professor of orchestra (Orchestra di Roma e del Lazio, Orchestra Stabile del Molise, Orchestra da Camera di Perugia, Einklang Philharmonie Münster, Sinfonieorchester Münster, Kourion-Orchester Münster).
She took particular interest in contemporary music: winner of the 2015 “Musik von heute” competition with music by John Cage and Erkki-Sven Tüür (in the presence of the composer) as first violin of a string quartet, she has participated in the International Ensemble Modern Academy 2017 as part of the Festival Klangspuren Schwaz (Austria), with Sofia Gubaidulina as composer in residence, as well as at the Lucerne Festival Academy 2018 and 2019 and at the Lucerne Festival Alumni, with whom she has performed at the Berliner Philharmonie, the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg and the Philharmonie de Paris under the direction of Matthias Pintscher, Péter Eötvös, Simon Rattle, George Benjamin and Riccardo Chailly.
She collaborates with various contemporary music ensembles, including Consord (Germany), Opificio Sonoro and Ensemble Suono Giallo (Italy).
In the field of instrumental teaching, she can boast years of experience in Italy and abroad, and is a certified teacher Colourstrings (1st level), method for strings created by the Hungarian teacher Géza Szilvay. She currently teaches violin and ensemble music at the Liceo musicale “I. Calvino” in Città della Pieve (PG).
She graduated with honors in Classics at the University of Perugia, she also received, for her master thesis on the concept of consonance and dissonance in ancient Greek music, an award from MOISA – International Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and its Cultural Heritage, which awarded it as part of the annual conference of the association (Urbino, 2014).