Harp Masterclass

Harp Masterclass

From 6 to 9 August Roberta Inglese (first harp of the Rome Opera House) will hold a 4 days masterclass concerning the orchestral, solo (auditions) and chamber repertoire.
Music and visual Media | Marco Testoni

Music and visual Media | Marco Testoni

This course by Marco Testoni will be held from 3 to 4 of August and it will be dedicated to the techniques and new professions of music for images: from the composer to the music supervisor, from the sound designer to the music consultant. The educational program is...
Piano | Michele Fabrizi

Piano | Michele Fabrizi

The Masterclass (from 10 to 16 August) of Michele Fabrizi has the purpose of deepening the main aspects related to the interpretation and technique for piano both in the solo and chamber music fields: piano 4 hands and in ensemble, in collaboration with the harp class...
Vocal Lab | Farzaneh Joorabchi

Vocal Lab | Farzaneh Joorabchi

FARZANEH JOORABCHI | “Discover the sounds of our body” Seminar 8-9 August In the past, thanks to parties, dances and music, people did not feel the pains and worries: “So says Bahram, Shaman and Baluci Music Master (Iran). Proposal for a seminar,...
Organ and Harpsichord | Carlo Forlivesi

Organ and Harpsichord | Carlo Forlivesi

Organ and Harpsichord courses During the seminar of Carlo Forlivesi (from 10 to 16 August) you will learn some basic elements of keyboard improvisation, working on awareness of instrumental technique and sound spirituality. In the improvisational style it will be...
Basic Music Seminar | Paola Taticchi

Basic Music Seminar | Paola Taticchi

Seminar “Musicando”, with Paola Taticchi, on 10 and 11 August Knowing the art of music in the form of a game: singing, creating sounds and rhythms that satisfy the imagination but also as an opportunity to socialize by stimulating creativity. Paola...