Songwriter | Cork Maul

Songwriter | Cork Maul

The course of  Cork Maul will start on August  11th to 17th. Using a process of storytelling, collaboration, and improvisation participants will work to create a song together in the course of the week. Individuals will be also asked to write a song and share it, with...
Viola | Gualtiero Tambè

Viola | Gualtiero Tambè

The course (3-10 august) will be particularly focused on Bach, cello suites and sonatas and matches from the violin, and on the sonatas for viola and piano of the nineteenth century as Brahms, Schumann, Glinka etc. but it does not preclude the possibility of facing...
Improvisation “Get inspired” | Andrea Ceccomori

Improvisation “Get inspired” | Andrea Ceccomori

“.. Through the knowledge of sound, man obtains the knowledge of creation ..” (N.I.Khan) It is a free improvisation seminar ( 8-9 august) to express the student’s potential by teaching him to play in an inspired way. His pivotal musical concepts are...
Contrabbass | Milton Masciadri

Contrabbass | Milton Masciadri

Professor Milton Masciadri Masterclass will take place from 3- 10 August. And will investigate the following matters Work in solo repertoire with coverture of a wide range of levels and styles Work in orchestra repertoire with demonstrations and mock auditions Daily...
Music and Visual Media |  Marco Testoni

Music and Visual Media | Marco Testoni

The seminar ( 11-17 August) held by Marco Testoni is devoted to the new techniques, professions and skills required in the field of music for images: from composition, musical supervision, and sound design to music consulting. The programme features the topics...