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“L’insegnamento crea tutte le altre professioni”


Sufi Dance

Sufi Dance

Sufi dance’s cours takes place in August from 1th to 5th. Everything is round, the earth, the galaxies, the stars, the planets and everything moves in a circular sense.

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Songwriter | Cork Maul

Songwriter | Cork Maul

The course of Cork Maul will start on August 11th to 17th. Using a process of storytelling, collaboration, and improvisation participants will work to create a song together in the course of the week.

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Viola | Gualtiero Tambè

Viola | Gualtiero Tambè

The course (3-10 august) will be particularly focused on Bach, cello suites and sonatas and matches from the violin, and on the sonatas for viola and piano of the nineteenth century as Brahms, Schumann, Glinka etc. but it does not preclude the possibility of facing other pieces of the repertoire.

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Improvisation “Get inspired” | Andrea Ceccomori

Improvisation “Get inspired” | Andrea Ceccomori

It is a free improvisation seminar (8-9 august) to express the student’s potential by teaching him to play in an inspired way. His pivotal musical concepts are those that make us look for a way for the enlightened musician to be identified in consequential and conceptual phases such as inspiration, intonation, monema, “poor sound”, improvisation, the predicate “I sound”.

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Violin | Patrizio Scarponi

Violin | Patrizio Scarponi

Patrizio Scarponi’s violin course (from 3 to 10 August) is aimed at studying and deepening the main literature for the instrument, including the symphonic, chamber and soloistic repertoire and preparing the students to face the world of concertism.

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belcanto vocal techinique| Elisa Bovi

belcanto vocal techinique| Elisa Bovi

The Masterclass with soprano Elisa Bovi takes place on the 3-10 august, addressed to lyrical opera students, is focused on the study of the “BELCANTO VOCAL TECHNIQUE”, the interpretation, the style and the executive pratice, with particular regard to the correct pronunciation of the opera text.

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