After the award of a diploma in flute from Perugia’s musical conservatory, he pursued further studies at Siena’s Accademia Chigiana and with several prestigious teachers. M° Ceccomori performs both a classical and contemporary repertoire and composes his own music.

He is particularly dedicated to new musical repertoires and collaborates with contemporary artists all over the world. Ceccomori has inspired many works for flute of which he has performed several world premieres. He has held solo performances in Europe, Canada, the United States, South America, Africa, the Vatican City: at the Roy Thomson Hall in Toronto, the King’s Place in London, the Scriabin Theatre in Moscow, the Tolstoy Museum and the Sheremetev Palace in Saint Petersburg, at the San Pedro Theatre in Porto Alegre and at the Gestaig in Munich.

In the United States, M°. Ceccomori has been hosted as guest performer in New York (Lincoln Center, NYU, Greenwich House, Lica) and at many Universities and festivals in Connecticut, Florida, Colorado, Georgia, Mississippi, Kentucky, Missouri, Michigan, Maryland, California, South Carolina.

M°. Ceccomori has recorded for Amiata Records, BMG/Ricordi, Edipan, and Rara/Rai Trade labels. He has been a frequent performer on radio and television in Italy. He is also involved in the Rai Trade & Cemat & SIMC/ISCM project for the promotion of contemporary Italian music. His articles are published in the Falaut and Syrinx magazines. Dasi Flute published a book of his on the extended flute technique, Flute Today in 2010.

He is the founder and artistic director of the Assisi Suono Sacro Association.

A number of CD’s have been published in his name. He has also collaborated in recordings by others, in solo recordings and in television and radio broadcasts. M° Ceccomori regularly gives master classes and his articles are published in periodicals and journals like Amadeus, Falaut and Syrinx.