
This year, for the second time, Assisi Suono Sacro, in collaboration with Keysound and Assisi’s Municipal Council, is organising summer courses in musical composition, interpretation, as well as a number of seminars in Assisi from the 31st of July to the 6th of August. Thanks to an agreement stipulated with the Musical Conservatory of Cesena, all the courses will carry academic credits. The core theme is a quest for sounds and music based on principles of essentiality and of the illuminated artist, which for some years now have informed the philosophy of the Assisi Suono Sacro association: an artist with renewed powers of communication, in search of a sound which, freed from the trappings of manner, is capable of entering into profound contact with the human soul and, as such, speak the language of the spirit above and beyond cultures and religions. Among the teachers involved in the courses we find prestigious names like Markus Stockhausen, who will lead students through the meanders of intuitive musical composition. Again, within the realm of composition, we have the courses held by Marco Lombardi and Stefano Taglietti, who will also be in charge of special classes in composition for children. As for interpretation, there will be courses in violin with Sherban Lupu, piano with Michele Fabrizi, double bass with Milton Masciardi, French horn with Valerio Maini, trombone with Ivo Nilsson and harp with Maria Chiara Fiorucci. The seminars will include sessions with flautist Andrea Ceccomori, devoted to two important topics: one dedicated to flautists and the interpretation of contemporary music , the second for all musicians whether students or professionals, desiring to reach a level of interpretation capable of touching the depths of the human soul of listeners. Another seminar will be that on Music and Visual media held by Marco Testoni, dedicated to the new musical techniques, arts and crafts associated with music for images. There will also be a course on the Yoga of sound with Alessandro Ortona.

The artistic direction has, therefore, chosen Italian and foreign teachers well-known, besides for their teaching skills, for having designed a method capable of creating contact between the student’s deepest and innermost core and music itself, with a view to turning each pupil into a full-blown interpreter or author capable of reaching audiences.

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