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“Per sua natura la musica non può spiegare niente: né delle emozioni, né dei punti di vista, né dei sentimenti, né dei fenomeni della natura. Essa non spiega che se stessa”

(I. Stravinskij)


Assisi Suono Sacro organizes courses of interpretation and composition. Important is the deep research of the sound and the music according to the principles of the “Poor Sound”, of which Assisi Suono Sacro is spokesman, and the construction of a musician illuminated, able to communicate very well. The research is based on find  a sound that is able to get in touch with the human spirit and able to speak with it, over the cultures and religions.


Interpretation Masterclass 2020

Interpretation Masterclass 2020

2020 professors will be: Maria Chiara Fiorucci, Sebastiano Brusco, Michele Fabrizi, Francesca Bruni, Vito Vallini, Roberto Muttoni, Carlo Forlivesi, David Sotgiu, Ezio Monti, Valeria Desideri, Gianluigi Caldarola, Francesco Santucci