Gregorian chant, course of performing practice, will be held by Ezio Monti from the 1st of August to the 7th.
•Breathing technique
•Reading of neumatic formulas
•Rhythmic reading of texts
•Liber usualis: Missae et Officii
•Singing and interpretation
•Elements of gregorian conduction

Ezio Monti’s course is aimed at everyone who is interested in and passionate about the great medieval monody: instrumentalists (jazz as well), singers, choir directors, liturgical operators, enthusiasts.
The course is open to male and female singers.
It articulates in two sections:
1- For those who have none or minimum knowledge of musical notation;
Private lessons (1 hr per day) and group meetings.

2- For those who have knowledge of music and, preferably, the septiclavium;
Private lessons (1 hr per day) and group meetings.
All participants will take part in individual and group performances.