The Sufi Dance Class will take place from 1 to 5 August. The dervisci’s circular dance is inspired by a cosmic symbolism: the round of the planetes around the Sun, the vortex of everything that is moving, but also the search of God, represented by the Sun. All is round, Earth, galaxies, stars, planetes and everything is moving on circular sense. The circular movement is perfect, immutable, without begin or end, or variation,, in a perfect representation of the time. Neo-platonism compare God to a circle, whose center is everywhere, with the Sufism agreed with it.

Sufi Dance born on the half of XIII century,taken from Jalaluddin Rumi as a form of prayer, to reach, through ecstasy and the meditation, the contact with God. Reached to our days, today take important value for the spiritual growth of all the souls united by the awakening.

Sufi Dance begins through the body, from the awaraness and acceptance of our physical dimension, until the forces that affect it, like gravity or centrifugal energy, created by the rotation.A spiritual growth with the aim of challenge our mind to leave itself, abandoning the habit to take over control everything happens around it. Leaving itself it acquire the capability to become part of the rounded movement, property of all the creation, until to be contact between Sky and Earth.


During the 5 days of seminary we learn the technique of Rotating Dervisci Dance, to reach and to maintain a state of balance and to manage the speed of rotation.

We’ll win the vertigo and the control of the mind on the body, freeing our energies and fears through the dance, to prove the means of being all-in-one with Creation and Creator, connection that we’ll take with us and we’ll apply in the de-conditioning of daily life.

Becoming from the history and technique basis of the Sufi Dance, in fives days we’ll join gradually and deeply in the intimate meaning of this meditative dance, a chance, for who is already a dancer, to merge himself with the meaning of celebrate own divinity, discover the dance as a fusion with the creation itself, abandoning control and connect to an energy of everything.

The class is also made for who has a limitate knowledge of the world of dance, to live a deep experience of a dynamic meditation and to find our unexpressed potential.

5 days to approach Sufi Dance with sacred musics from ceremony and after classic music, until the more upbeat from tribal dances.

We’ll approach a sacred discipline that arrives from 1200, we’ll take to our days, we’ll understand the intensity and the value that cross ages and we’ll make a westernized representation in common with our singularity.


  • Learn the technique of Rotating Dervisci Dance
  • Learn to reach and maintain a state of balance
  • Manage speed and balance on rotating
  • Win the vertigo and the control of the mind on the body
  • Freeing our energies and fears through the dance
  • Feeling what means being all-in-one with Creator and Creations
  • Understand to apply the de-conditioning on daily life


Photographer and artist, since six years ago choose to dedicate himself to a special spiritual journey, studying and practicing different practice, from dynamic meditation to respiration, reworking to shape them on the founding concept of the “uniqueness of everyone of us”.

Scholar and popularizer of the science Human Design, regressive ipnotist, consulent on Akashici records, he discover the Rotating Dervisci Dance and fall in love of the grace and the harmony transmitted with this religious practice.