Piano | Sebastiano Brusco
Sebastiano Brusco, eclettic and poliedric pianist, will held a masterclass on piano art.
Music and visual Media | Marco Testoni
This course by Marco Testoni will be held from 10 to 16 August and it will be dedicated to the techniques and new professions of music for images: from the composer to the music supervisor, from the sound designer to the music consultant.
Singing | Chiara Giudice
“Il segreto del canto risiede tra la vibrazione della voce di chi canta e il battito del cuore di chi ascolta” Ho sempre pensato che il canto sia l’espressione più intima e profonda del nostro essere un pò come lo sono i nostri occhi: lo specchio dell’anima. Con il...
Canto armonicale
In this course - conducted by Matteo Silva - we will develop some vocal techniques closely related to meditation and to the discovery of the intrinsic qualities of sound. It will be a journey into the world of diphonic singing (or overtone singing), a mental and...
Piano | Michele Fabrizi
The Masterclass ( from 3 to 9 August) will study the main aspects of interpretation and piano technique both as soloist and chamber music
Deep listening
A course by Andrea Ceccomori aimed at everyone for the development of a conscience of sound and music in every individual, for the development of consciousness of the musical phenomenon, beneficial to reach a culture of peace within yourself and the universe. Music...
Get Inspired
The pursuit of inspiration and enlightenment A unique course - kept by Andrea Ceccomori - in its kind, opened to every musician who wants to feel inspired while playing. A workshop where you can experience new opportunities to find inspiration and play passionately. ...
Creative approaching flute
Starting from the basic learning system of flute playing, in this class Andrea Ceccomori will touch upon different topics relating to the sound emission, and we will explore contemporary techniques. This course is aimed at every flutist who wants to discover a new...
Sax | Francesco Santucci
FRANCESCO SANTUCCI | Sax course (3 to 9 august)
Harp | Maria Chiara Fiorucci
The course (from 3 to 9 August) held by Maria Chiara Fiorucci has the purpose of deepening the main aspects related to interpretation and technique for harp both in the solo, orchestral and chamber music fields, specifically: in harp ensembles – harps and piano – harp and flute.
Composition and Practices | Stefano Taglietti
Stefano Taglietti’s course program (from 30 July to 5 August) includes: