Workshop sulla musica pianistica di Giuseppe Lupis (8 – 9 agosto).
Su richiesta, la direzione del festival invierà gratuitamente ai partecipanti copia delle partiture.

Op. 1 – 8 Variations, One Crazy, on Ah, Vous Dirai-je, Maman (2010)
Op. 2 – A Few Excuses (2010)
Op. 3 – 5 Etudes on the Extreme Beauty of the Piano (2010)
Op. 6 – Il Remo d’Oro: Tre Sonate Vulcaniche in Nemi Bemolle (2011)
Op. 8 – A Few More Excuses (2011)
Op. 9 – Le Tombeau de Piano (2010-12)
Op. 10 – Etude for the Thumb in Hiding (2012)
Op. 13 – Approximately 5 Preludes (2012)
Op. 17 – The Out of Whack Clavier, 11 Prelude and Fugue Variations in Base 2 to 12 (2013)
Op. 19 – Preludio in Base Quasi 1 (2013)
Op. 20 – Il Campanaccio: studio irriverente e semiserio su La Campanella di Liszt (2014)
Op. 21 – Toilet Suite (2014)
Op. 22 – American Dances (2015)
Op. 24 – Lupis, Brahms e Mozart entrano in un bar (2016)
Op. 25 – Three Songs (2017): Agnese – Sarah, Neapolitan Song – Lullaby of the two Bunnies
Op. 27 – Etude for the Funny Stretches (2018)